Southern Pines United Methodist Church 


PHONE:  910-692-3518

FAX:        910-692-5875


​Please contact a minister who will be happy to discuss any question or requests:
Pastor John Michael McAllister or Assoc. Pastor Elias Ballew

Baptism: Initiation into Christ's Church

What: Baptism is one of the two Sacraments, along with Communion, that we celebrate as a church. In the fullest sense, Baptism is an initiation into Christ's Church.  As an act, it is simply the use of water to signify the Spirit's cleansing of our sinful nature so that we can be remade into the fullest likeness of Jesus Christ. As such, it is a sign of God's grace that is offered to all through Jesus Christ. By this grace, we are empowered to live as people in relationship with God as well as in reconciled relationships with one another. We use and recognize all three methods of baptism: sprinkling, pouring, immersion.

Who:Individuals of all ages can be baptized. This includes adolescents and adults who have a working understanding of baptism's significance as a sign of God's grace and as a covenant between themselves and the community of faith as well as between themselves and God. Additionally, since baptism is chiefly about God's grace and not about human initiative and understanding, infants are also baptized at Southern Pines UMC.

When:Baptism is celebrated throughout the year at Southern Pines UMC. Baptisms usually take place during one of our Sunday morning worship services. However, individuals can be baptized at other times.

Where: Baptism is generally celebrated in the sanctuary.  This is ideal as the community of faith is able to witness the sacred sign of God's grace being poured out onto the baptized person.  Baptism, however, is not limited to the sanctuary space.  For those interested in being baptized or having a child baptized, please contact one of the pastors.