Southern Pines United Methodist Church 


PHONE:  910-692-3518

FAX:        910-692-5875


"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

~ Proverbs 27:17

Ways to #WorshipWithUs:

9AM Contemporary & 11 AM Traditional services

Click to #WatchUsLive (live stream)

Click to find out what's happening this month at SoPinesUMC!

At SoPines UMC, we strive to provide plenty of opportunities for folks to grow spiritually. For some, this might mean having a safe place to ask questions before committing to Jesus.  Others need a place to strengthen their faith. Some require a place for their mature faith to challenged daily.

Whatever religious opportunity you might require, whatever your faith story, and wherever presently in life, we desire that you, and all persons, find a safe home and community in at least one of our groups.

To help you do this, we invite you to read about the different groups at SoPines UMC. Afterward, we welcome you to contact a group representative or a church staff person to help you get connected. We look forward to hearing or seeing you in one of our many groups!