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"For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."
~ 1 Corinthians 11:26
What: Holy Communion is one of the two sacraments, the others being Baptism, that we recognize as United Methodists which has its origins in Scripture. Holy Communion, also called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist, is the communal sharing in the bread and juice that symbolize the body and blood of Jesus Christ, respectively. This is not only a time to remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for the redemption of the world, including each and every person, but is also a means of grace whereby we are assured of our salvation and given the courage to live into our faith as disciples of Jesus Christ. We use unfermented grape juice and also offer gluten-free bread.
Who: At SoPines UMC, we practice open table communion, which means that regardless of denominational affiliation, whether Protestant, Catholic or nondenominational all people three years old and up are welcome to receive the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ as long as three criteria are met: 1) each person loves Jesus Christ 2) each person repents of his or her sin 3) and each person is striving to live in peaceful relationship with his or her fellow human being. For infants and toddlers, they are welcome to join their parents for a blessing by one of our pastors as the parents receive Communion.
When: The SoPines UMC family of faith celebrates communion during both worship services on the first Sunday of each month. Additionally, each Tuesday at Noon Communion is offered to anyone who is desirous during a brief and intimate service in the Wesley Chapel. During Kids' Own Worship on the last Sunday of each month, the children have the opportunity to receive Communion in preparation for the next week's service when Communion will be celebrated by the larger church body on the first Sunday of the month. As Communion is such a valued practice among Methodists, one of the pastors at SoPines UMC will serve Communion when requested to do so.
Where: During the first Sunday Holy Communion celebrations, Communion is served in the Sanctuary. During the Tuesday celebrations, Communion is served in the Wesley Chapel on the first floor (unless otherwise announced). During the last Sunday Communion celebration for the children in Kids' Own Worship Communion is served downstairs in the Children's room. Upon request, one of the pastors at SoPines UMC will be happy to serve Holy Communion at other locations, such as one's home or the hospital.
Please contact a minister who will be happy to discuss any question or requests:
Pastor John Michael McAllister or Assoc. Pastor Elias Ballew
*** Gluten-free option available ***